Notice of General Meeting
In three short steps, you can easily write a properly drawn up notice containing the formal parts a notice should consist of.
In our simple interface, you first enter / select general information about the general meeting, such as place and time for the meeting and more. After this, eAktiebok creates a draft notice, which is written in both Swedish and English. In this draft, you can then edit and attach files to the notice such as the agenda and any decision documentation. The third and final step is then to send the notice to the general meeting, which you can choose to do directly or at a later date.

Each year, a limited liability company shall hold an annual general meeting to which all shareholders shall be summoned. The rules for how notice of a general meeting is to be given differ depending on whether it is a public or private company and what decisions are to be made. How the notice is to be given is regulated in the company’s articles of association.
If notice has not been issued in accordance with the Articles of Association, the General Meeting does not constitute a quorum, which means that a new General Meeting must be convened in order to hold the meeting.
The Annual General Meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body. The company’s Annual General Meeting is held annually, which shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year. The Annual General Meeting shall contain a number of mandatory items and other matters specified in the Act or the Articles of Association shall also be addressed.