
What is a

A share is an ownership unit in a company. When you own a share, you are a shareholder and have a claim on a portion of the company’s assets and earnings.

A share is an ownership unit in a company. When you own a share, you are a shareholder and have a claim on a portion of the company’s assets and earnings.
Shares and different classes of shares

Shares represent ownership in a company. Different classes of shares may have different voting rights, dividends and other characteristics. For example, common stock usually has voting rights and receives dividends, while preferred shares may not have voting rights but receive fixed dividends. Companies can create different stock classes to meet specific needs or goals.

Share value / Share value

“Share value” usually refers to the price of a company’s stock in the stock market. It can also refer to a company’s total economic value represented by its share price.

Shareholding / What is a shareholding

Shareholding refers to the ownership of shares in a company. Shareholders are entitled to a share of the company’s profits and have the right to vote on important decisions.

What information is needed for the shareholding to contain?

The information that must be included in the shareholding includes the names and details of the shareholders, the number and type of shares held by each shareholder, and the amount paid or agreed to be paid for each share. In addition, any restrictions on the transfer of shares should be included in the shareholding.